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What is an aphorism?

A short, wise statement.

The Art of Packing Wisdom into a Sentence

An aphorism is much like a musical phrase: succinct, memorable, and often easy to recall. It is a short statement that carries an immense amount of wisdom. They can be found in every language and have been a part of human expression for centuries. Because they are so concentrated, they often contain wordplay, metaphorical language, or are a statement of contrasting ideas that draw the reader in and provoke contemplation, all while transcending their initial context. Some notable examples include: 'Less is more,' 'Time flies when you're having fun,' and 'Actions speak louder than words.' When used skillfully, aphorisms transcend the boundaries of writing style or era and become timeless keys to knowledge and understanding.

Aphorisms: The Memorable Sentences in Literature
Aphorisms have been an essential element of literature, and here are two great examples:
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

'The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it' is a famous aphorism that appears in this novel and emphasizes the danger of seeking pleasure and gratification at any cost.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche

One of the most famous aphorisms in this philosophical novel is 'God is dead', which is the ultimate expression of Nietzsche's rejection of traditional morality and religion.