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What is an Omniscient Narrator?

Narrator who knows everything.

Know it Alls: The Omniscient Narrator

In creative writing, an omniscient narrator is a storytelling device that incorporates a third-person perspective who knows everything about the story they are telling. It's like having a wise old sage who has seen everything, been everywhere, and knows all the secrets. This type of narrator possesses knowledge beyond what any single character could know, including their thoughts and feelings, unspoken desires, and even future events.

Using an omniscient narrator can have its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, this narrative style can provide an overarching perspective of the story that allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the events. On the other hand, it can distance readers from the characters' experiences, which may make it harder for readers to fully engage. As well, some readers may find the all-knowing narrator to be less believable since nobody truly knows everything.

Despite its potential pitfalls, the use of an omniscient narrator can be an effective tool for a writer wishing to provide more insight into the story without sacrificing objectivity.

All-Knowing Narrators: Examples in Literature

In literature, the omniscient narrator can be used in different ways, here are two examples:

The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult

In this novel, an omniscient narrator provides the reader with insight into the thoughts of multiple characters surrounding a family tragedy, including the young protagonist, Sage.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Austen's classic novel employs an omniscient narrator to offer insight and commentary on the social customs and character flaws of the novel's primary cast.