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Joseph D. Slater

Raised in the lonely western mountains of Maine, Joe is an infantry veteran who has authored three novels, The Vacation Planet, Janie, and In the Sky. After being stationed in Colorado for a few years, he moved back to Maine where he surrounds himself with five women (his wife and four daughters), making sure that his children have a nourished and literate life. His favourite haunt is in his home library, where he can be found cursing under his breath as he works on his next project.
An Unconventional Guide to Self-Promotion from a Self-Published Author

You’ve put in the work and given yourself anxiety about fictional people and places. You’ve worked late into the night because you had a ...

An unconventional guide to self-promotion - Novlr

Feb 19

Commissioning Cover Art: Red Flags and How to Spot Them

My first bad experience with commissioning cover art came in the lead-up to the release of my novel, In the Sky. Despite the art being of...

Commissioning cover art: red flags - Novlr

Dec 11

How to Self-Publish an Audiobook: A Writer’s Journey

The year is 2020, and I suddenly have all the time in the world. I muttle around the house, work a job where I drive for five hours a day...

How to self-publish and audiobook - Novlr

Dec 27

Author Spotlight with Joseph D. Slater

In this series, we will be interviewing published Novlr authors to learn about their work, their routines, and how they use Novlr.&n...

Joseph D. Slater Books