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What is an Aspect?

A particular way in which something appears or may be regarded.

Looking at Things from a Different Angle: Exploring the Concept of Aspect in Creative Writing

Aspect refers to the particular way in which something appears or may be regarded. In creative writing, it refers to the perspective from which a story is told or a character is depicted. It is the angle from which the reader experiences the story or character. Aspect is an important element in creative writing, as it helps to establish the mood and tone of the piece, as well as its theme and message.

When choosing an aspect for a story or character, a writer must consider the effect it will have on the reader. Different aspects can evoke different emotions and reactions from the reader, which can influence their overall perception of the piece. A writer must also choose an aspect that is appropriate for the story or character they are trying to convey. For example, a story about a haunted house may be best conveyed from the aspect of a frightened child, while a story about a detective solving a murder may be best conveyed from the aspect of the detective themselves.

The Many Faces of Aspect in Literary Works: Examining Two Examples

Here are two examples of how aspect operates in different works of literature:

Examples from a Distance: The Narrator in The Great Gatsby

In The Great Gatsby, the aspect is established through the narrator, Nick Carraway, who is an outsider looking in on the extravagant lives of those around him. This perspective gives the reader the opportunity to observe the characters from a distance, to see the flaws and contradictions in their behavior, and to form their own opinion of the events and characters of the novel.

Examples up Close and Personal: The Use of First Person Point of View in The Catcher in the Rye

In The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger uses the aspect of first-person point of view to convey the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of Holden Caulfield, the protagonist. The reader experiences the events of the novel as if they were happening to them, seeing the world through Holden's eyes. This aspect allows the reader to connect with the character on a personal and emotional level, creating a sense of empathy and understanding for Holden's struggles and challenges.