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What is a Burlesque?

An exaggerated parody or grotesque imitation.

The Art of Grotesque Parody: Understanding Burlesque in Creative Writing

Burlesque is a form of grotesque parody that is often seen in creative writing. It involves exaggerating a subject in a way that causes amusement or laughter.

While burlesque is often seen as a bawdy form of entertainment, it is also an important tool for writers. By using burlesque, writers can take serious subjects and make them accessible and humorous. This can be an effective way to engage readers, making it easier for them to connect with the topic at hand.

Burlesque has its roots in ancient Greek theater and was later popularized in the 19th century. Today, burlesque is often used in literature, film, and theater. In creative writing, burlesque can take many forms, from parodying famous literary works to exaggerating everyday situations.

When using burlesque in creative writing, it is important to strike a balance between humor and sincerity. Too much humor can detract from the message, while too much sincerity can bog down the reader.

Overall, burlesque is a valuable tool for creative writers. By using this form of grotesque parody, writers can engage readers and find new ways to express themselves.

The Art and Necessity of Exaggeration: Two Examples of Burlesque in Literature

Humorous, sarcastic even biting, burlesque has been utilized by many writers to express strong, sometimes difficult messages. Here are two great examples of this form in action:

Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift

In Gulliver’s Travels, Swift uses burlesque to expose the shallowness of political ideology. He takes the fanciful idea of a world of little people and twists it to make political allegories that criticize and satirize British politics.

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith

Seth Grahame-Smith ingeniously uses burlesque to create a mash-up version of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice by adding zombies to the mix. This parody is a playful and unapologetic poke at the Victorian era and the notion of romance.