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"What is Environmentalism?"

The advocacy of protecting the natural world, often involving activism and education to promote sustainable practices.

Greening Your Writing: A Creative Guide to Environmentalism in the Literary World

Environmentalism isn't just a movement, it's a way of life that we can incorporate into our writing by advocating for sustainable practices and protecting the natural world through language and storytelling.

Whether you're writing about the great outdoors, urban environments, or entirely fictional worlds, there are ways to bring environmentally-conscious themes into your work. Consider incorporating characters who are passionate about conservation, or highlighting the negative consequences of human activity on the planet. You can even reduce your carbon footprint by choosing to write by hand, or using eco-friendly writing materials.

Remember, every word we put on the page has an impact, both on the world around us and the readers who engage with our stories. By embracing environmentalism in our writing, we have the power to inspire change and make our literary world a greener, more sustainable place.

Eco-Lit: The Intersection Between Environmentalism and Literature
Environmentalism has long been a theme in literature, and here are two notable examples of how writers have explored this topic throughout the ages.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Written in 1962, Silent Spring is often credited with igniting the modern environmental movement and is a powerful indictment of the use of pesticides in the United States.

The Overstory by Richard Powers

The Overstory is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel that explores the intricate connections between humans and trees and advocates for the importance of protecting our planet's natural resources.