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What is escapism?

The act of using imagination to leave reality behind.

Escaping through Literature: The Art of Escapism

Escapism, as defined by the act of using imagination to leave reality behind, can serve as one of literature's most powerful tools.

Through the use of creative language, vivid imagery, and intricate plot lines, writers have the ability to allow readers to escape from the mundane realities of life and be transported to entirely different worlds entirely.

While critics may label this form of literature as 'unrealistic' or 'childish,' there is no denying the impact that escapism has on our mental well-being. For many, reading serves as a form of therapy, allowing them to temporarily forget their troubles and immerse themselves in a world beyond their own.

Escapism goes hand in hand with innovation, grammar, and the English language - it allows writers to push the limits of traditional language and create entirely new worlds, rules, and systems of communication outside of our own reality.

Escaping into the Unknown: The Art of Escapism in Literature

Here are two examples of how the concept of escapism is used in literature.

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

In this series, children are transported to a magical world called Narnia via a wardrobe in a spare room. Here they encounter talking animals, mythical creatures, and get caught up in a battle between good and evil.

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

In this epic series, hobbits, elves, dwarves, and humans band together to destroy a powerful ring that could destroy the world. Through the intricate details, readers are able to enter into Middle Earth and leave their own realities behind.