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What is a Vanity Press?

Self-publishing companies that charge authors to publish their work.

Vanity Press: Don't Let Your Dreams Come at a Price

Vanity Press, also known as subsidy publishing, is a publishing model where writers pay a publisher to produce their work. While it may seem tempting to see your name in print, be wary of these types of publishing companies, as they are often scams that prey on unsuspecting authors.

Many vanity presses target writers who have been rejected by traditional publishing houses and offer them a chance to have their work published for a fee. However, the quality of editing and marketing is often low, and the author is left with a limited number of copies to sell themselves. Vanity presses also take a percentage of book sales, making it difficult for writers to make a profit.

If you choose to self-publish, there are many reputable options available that allow you to retain control over your work and keep all profits from sales.

Vanity Press: A Cautionary Tale in Literature

Learn how the concept of vanity press has appeared in literature through these two examples.

The Personal History, Adventures, Experience and Observation of David Copperfield the Younger of Blunderstone Rookery (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account)

In Charles Dickens' novel, David Copperfield's stepfather, Edward Murdstone, finances David's publication, which is actually a vanity press.

Chasing the Tail of Dogma

Joseph Tartaglione's book is an example of how modern vanity presses use electronic formats and print on demand technology to lure unsuspecting writers to pay for their services.